Monday, June 29, 2009

Good News


We have a few wren houses in the yard. Luckily, we also have some wrens that make their homes in the wren houses. I have tried a few times to get a photo of a wren feeding babies. Typically I can't get close enough to get a good picture. The wren keeps scolding until I finally leave. Only then will the wren fly into the wren house with a treat for the babies.

But this time I was able to snap a few photos of the wren getting ready to go in with baby food for the baby wrens. I was so happy when I saw this photo. Look what is on the menu for tonight! An earwig. Yea! The baby wrens are happy to eat them. I'm happy that there is one less earwig in the yard. And the parent is one bug closer to not having to feed babies all day.

So, I am going on record as saying I am a big fan of wrens.

1 comment:

Vada said...

This is really a terrific photo, Deb. I know how tough it is to get pictures of these quick little birds.