Friday, February 13, 2009

Windy Days

It was windy here the last few days. That's putting it mildly. All night and all day there was a constant roar. Tree branches whipping around. Tree trunks swaying. The plastic watering can from one back yard is now four houses down the street in someone's front yard. The birds that are brave enough to travel seem to be flying sideways.

You can hear the wind. You can feel it. But you cannot see the wind. The flag by our local Perkins waving in the wind is perhaps one of the best ways to show how windy it was.

This poem about wind by Christina Rossetti is one of my favorites.

Who Has Seen The Wind

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

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